
ISO Certification
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Compressors: air & gas compressor

Recommendation for Screw type and Reciprocating type Compressor
Recommendation for Centrifugal type Compressor or Turbo Compressor
Sampling Quantity

Sampling Location/Point

Sampling Frequency
Oil Analysis Report

Turaround Service Time
Example of Oil Analysis Report

Technical Articles and Case Study Related to this application

Compressor is an integral part of compressed air/gas system, refrigeration system and air conditioning system. With only routine LubeCheck™ oil analysis of its oil, the test result can provide "look inside" without tearing completely down. When critical wear condition develop inside the compressor, an early detectable indicator as well as analysis trending in the characteristics of oil will be become evident.

Screw type and Reciprocating type Compressor


Recommendation (Regular Routine Oil Analysis)

Basic Package


Premium Package

CompressorCheck 834

All Tests below are for CompressorCheck ™ 804

Wear Metal Elements -Condition

  • Fine Wear Metal - 18 elements, ASTM D6596 or ASTM D5185
  • RFS Coarse Wear Metal - 11 elements, ASTM D6595
  • Particle Quantifier Index (PQ Index), ASTM D8184

Oil Condition

  • Oil Condition; oxidation, nitration, ASTM E2412M
  • Viscosity @40°c or 100°c, ASTM D445
  • Acid Number, ASTM D974


  • Oil Contamination; dirt & dust, etc, ASTM D6595 or ASTM D5185
  • %Moisture & Water, ASTM D6304
  • Wrong oil contamination

  • Report with interpretation
All Tests below are for CompressorCheck ™ 834

Wear Metal Elements -Condition

  • Fine Wear Metal - 18 elements, ASTM D6596 or ASTM D5185
  • RFS Coarse Wear Metal - 11 elements, ASTM D6595
  • Particle Quantifier Index (PQ Index), ASTM D8184

Oil Condition

  • Oil Condition; oxidation, nitration, ASTM E2412M
  • Viscosity @40°c or 100°c, ASTM D445
  • Acid Number, ASTM D974


  • Oil Contamination ; dirt & dust, ASTM D6595 or ASTM D5185
  • %Moisture & Water, ASTM D6304
  • Wrong oil contamination
  • Insoluble -Contamination , ASTM D4898M
    (Gravimetric Analysis)  
  • Report with interpretation

Highlight FocusLab's unique testing
in CompressorCheck™ 804

Highlight FocusLab's unique testing
in CompressorCheck™ 834


Product Data & Service Sheet of CompressorCheck™ 804 and CompressorCheck™ 834
* Wrong oil contamination can be detected in case BASELINE data will be available

Note: The above recommended test package will be guideline, the suitable test package may be vary depend upon right application, environment severity, critical factor, machine age, and so on.


Centrifugal type Compressor or Turbo Compressor

Recommendation (Regular Routine Oil Analysis)

Basic Package


Premium Package

CompressorCheck 813

All Tests below are for CompressorCheck ™ 894

Wear Metal Elements -Condition

  • Fine Wear Metal - 18 elements, ASTM D6596 or ASTM D5185
  • RFS Coarse Wear Metal - 11 elements, ASTM D6595
  • Particle Quantifier Index (PQ Index), ASTM D8184

Oil Condition

  • Oil Condition; oxidation, nitration, ASTM E2412M
  • Viscosity @40°c or 100°c, ASTM D445
  • Acid Number, ASTM D974


  • Report with interpretation
All Tests below are for CompressorCheck ™ 813

Wear Metal Elements -Condition

  • Fine Wear Metal - 18 elements, ASTM D6596 or ASTM D5185
  • RFS Coarse Wear Metal - 11 elements, ASTM D6595
  • Particle Quantifier Index (PQ Index), ASTM D8184

Oil Condition

  • Oil Condition; oxidation, nitration, ASTM E2412M
  • Viscosity @40°c or 100°c, ASTM D445
  • Acid Number, ASTM D974


  • Report with interpretation

Highlight FocusLab's unique testing
in CompressorCheck™ 894

Highlight FocusLab's unique testing
in CompressorCheck™ 813


Product Data & Service Sheet of CompressorCheck™ 894 and CompressorCheck™ 813
* Wrong oil contamination can be detected in case BASELINE data will be available

Note: The above recommended test package will be guideline, the suitable test package may be vary depend upon right application, environment severity, critical factor, machine age, and so on.

Compressor type Application

  • Centrifugal Compressor (air /gas) critical and severe operation , start up , commisioning
  • Turbo Compressor

Advanced Package

CompressorCheck 823

All Tests below are for HydraulicCheck ™ 823

Wear Metal Elements -Condition

  • RDE - AES Wear Metal - 18 elements, ASTM D6595
    or ICP - AES Wear Metal - 18 Elements, ASTM D5185
  • RFS Coarse Wear Metal - 11 elements, ASTM D6595
  • Particle Quantifier Index (PQ Index), ASTM D8184
  • Ferrographic Analysis, ASTM D7690

Oil Condition

  • Oil Condition; oxidation, nitration, ASTM E2412M
  • Viscosity @ 40°c or 100°c, ASTM D445
  • Acid Number, ASTM D974


  • Report with interpretation

Highlight FocusLab's unique testing
in HydraulicCheck™ 823

Product Data & Service Sheet of CompressorCheck TM 823
* Wrong oil contamination can be detected in case BASELINE data will be available

Note: The above recommended test package will be guideline, the suitable test package may be vary depend upon right application, environment severity, critical factor, machine age, and so on.


Test Description

Oil Sample Quantity: 200 ml.

Oil Sampling Location/Point

  • Follow OEMs recommended sampling location / point
  • In the absence of OEMs guidelines , recommended below for general guidance for sampling point /location

Possible location/point will be

Compressor-screw type

  • Sampling after oil/water separation line and before filter location -location A
    by drop tube -vacuum pump

  • Sampling at Filter Housing (upstream of filter) - point B as below picture
    By installing valve or minimess valve

Compressor-Centrifugal type

  • Through sample valve installed upstream of the filter on the return line

Sampling Tools & Devices

Sampling Techniques

Sampling Frequency

  • Initially , follow OEMs recommended sample interval for your equipment
  • In the absence of OEMs guidelines , recommended below for general guidance in establishing sample interval.

Recommended Sampling Frequency (Sampling Interval)

Industry - Application Normal Use Intermittent Use
Screw ,Rotary,Reciprocating

500 hours
or one month
and just prior to oil drain

and just prior to oil drain



LubeCheck™ Oil Analysis Report provide :-
  • Display an easy-to-read and understand.
  • Information for wear condition ,lubricant condition and contamination.
  • Interpretation and recommendation of the result . Option for Bilingual.
  • Color coded display of overall condition for present sample and history condition of previous sample.

  • Color coded problem highlights.
  • Provide new oil or reference oil for comparing result and as baseline.
  • Publish Alarm Limit range of the equipment and oil.
  • Comprehensive trending graph of most parameters.
  • LubeCheck™ Oil Analysis offers reporting options via internet, email and fax.

Turnaround Time Service

The report is typical available within 7-10 working days of sample receipt at FocusLab's labortory.

Examples of report

Remarks: Oil samples (after completion of testing) will be retained in our laboratory for approx 60 days ,just in case of in-depth testing and/or any future purpose.


Technical articles and case study related to this application

  “Analyzing compressor lubricant is an important part of maintaining and restoring a refrigeration / air conditioning system"
  Reference Source : SIEMENS Building Technologies -website

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FOCUSLAB™, LubeCheck™, Double WearCheck™, TH2O Check™, VsPI™, GreaseCheck™, SkyCheck™, TurbineCheck™, HeatTransferCheck™, CoolantCheck™ are all trademarks of FOCUSLAB Ltd.


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