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Turbine : gas & steam turbine

Turbine Oil Analysis -Monitoring Program (TOA-M)
Turbine Oil Analysis-Quality and Performance Program (TOA-QP)
Oil Sampling
Sampling Location
Sampling Frequency
Sampling Quantity
Oil Analysis Report

Turaround Service Time
Example of Oil Analysis Report

The in-service monitoring of gas and steam turbine oils has long been recognized by
the power generation industry as being necessary to ensure long trouble-free operation
of turbines (according to ASTM D-4378-08).

FocusLab has extensively experienced and technically full advanced testing program
for predictive and proactive turbine maintenance program

Focuslab has developed Turbine Oil Analysis Package , Testing and Program . They are
divided and grouped into 2 categories:-

1.Turbine Oil Analysis -Monitoring TOA-M
2.Turbine Oil Analysis -Quality and Performance TOA-QP


1.Turbine Oil Analysis -Monitoring (TOA-M)

Modeled from the tests recommendation in ASTM D 4378-08 for regular monthly
oil analysis-monitoring in order to monitor wear metal debris , oil consition .
and contamination.

Recommendation as Regular Routine Turbine Oil Analysis-Monitoring (TOA-M)

Basic Package


Premium Package


All Tests below are for TurbineCheck™814

Wear Metal Elements -Condition

  • RDE - AES Wear Metal - 18 elements, ASTM D6595
    or ICP - AES Wear Metal - 18 Elements, ASTM D5185
  • RFS Coarse Wear Metal - 11 elements, ASTM D6595
  • Particle Quantifier Index (PQ Index), ASTM D8184

Oil Condition

  • Oil Condition; oxidation, nitration, ASTM E2412M
  • Viscosity @ 40°c or 100°c, ASTM D445
  • TAN (Total Acid Number), ASTM D974
  • RULER™, ASTM D6971
  • FTIR Spectroscopy, %Phenolic Additive, ASTM D2668


  • Report with interpretation and recommendation
All Tests below are for TurbineCheck™815

Wear Metal Elements -Condition

  • RDE - AES Wear Metal - 18 elements, ASTM D6595
    or ICP - AES Wear Metal - 18 Elements, ASTM D5185
  • RFS Coarse Wear Metal - 11 elements, ASTM D6595
  • Particle Quantifier Index (PQ Index), ASTM D8184
  • Ferrographic Analysis, ASTM D7690

Oil Condition

  • Oil Condition; oxidation, nitration, ASTM E2412M
  • Viscosity @ 40°c or 100°c, ASTM D445
  • TAN (Total Acid Number), ASTM D974
  • RULER™, ASTM D6971
  • FTIR Spectroscopy, %Phenolic Additive, ASTM D2668


  • Report with interpretation and recommendation

Highlight FocusLab's unique testing
in TurbineCheck™814

Highlight FocusLab's unique testing
in TurbineCheck™815

Product Data & Service Sheet of TurbineCheck™814 and TurbineCheck™815
* Wrong oil contamination can be detected in case BASELINE data will be available

Note: The above recommended test package will be guideline, the suitable test package may be vary depend upon right application, environment severity, critical factor, machine age, and so on.

2.Turbine Oil Analysis -Quality and Performance (TOA-QP)

Turbine Oil Analysis -Quality and Performance (TOA-QP) are modeled , combined and assembled from the tests recommendation and requirement in Turbine Oil Operating System from International Standard and several Turbine OEMs

International Standard Organization / Turbine OEMs

American Society for Testing and Material ( ASTM )

International Organization for Standization (ISO)

VGB PowerTech

GE , Gas Turbine

GE Steam Turbine

Alstom , Gas and Steam Turbine



Solar Turbine

ASTM D4378-03

ISO / TS 11136 -2011

VGB M-416



HTGD 90 -1117


MS04-MA-CL001 ,MS04-MA-CL002

ES 9-224W


Turbine Oil Analysis -Quality and Performance -Check 817 ( TOA-QP-Check 817) -Test Package


TurbineCheck™ 817 -Test Package

Test Description
Test Method

RPVOT (Rotating Pressure Vessel Oxidation Test ) or RBOT

Flash Point (Cleveland Open Cup)

Foaming Characteristics , Sequence I - III

Air Release

Water Separability ( Demulsibility )

Rust Preventives , procedure A

Copper Strip Corrosion

Insoluble Contaminant Analysis (Gravimetric Analysis)

ASTM D2272



ASTM D3427

ASTM D1401

ASTM D655 -A




Product Data & Service Sheet of TurbineCheck™ 817


This test package will be additional test of TurbineCheck 814 (T814) and/or TurbineCheck 815 ( T815) for equipment /machine as following

  • Gas & Steam Turbine - Lube System
  • Air / Gas Compressor , Centrifugal Type with large lube system
  • Turbo Machinery -oil system

When the lube system will be require to be performed this test package

  • Turbine Oil Analysis Program - regular period analysis / testing / monitoring of critical turbine oil systems
  • And additional tests TurbineCheck 814 (T814) and/orTurbineCheck 815 ( T815) in semi-annual and annual period of Turbine Oil Analysis Program in order to monitor , assess and evaluate quality , performance and oil life of turbine oil system after regular period Turbine Oil Analysis -Monitoring (TOA-M) of TurbineCheck 814 and/or TurbineCheck 815
  • Semi-Annual Period Testing , Annual Period Testing Implement together with Turbine Oil Analysis -Monitoring (TOA-M)TurbineCheck 814 and/or TurbineCheck 815 for semi-annual and annual Turbine Oil Analysis program

Oil Sampling

Ideally and technically, the good oil sample should be the most representative of the
body of lubrication system and have lowest contamination to the oil information .
Or simply , the good oil sampling will have to meet 2 objectives as following :-

  • Maximize data Density of oil information
  • Minimize disturbance

The oil should be sampling while turbine is running and reached its operating temperature
If unable to take sample while turbine is runing ,then it should be done as soon as
possible after the turbine engine has stopped.
The oil should be sampling,preferably while the oil is in turbulent flow point or
free-flowing line, not a dead zone line or location.

Sampling Location

It is essential to establish suitable and correct sampling points on the turbine lube system..
to be monitored , such that consistent samples can be taken as easily as possible.

Turbine Lube System Sampling Points should be designed to have both primary sampling
points and secondary sampling points

  • Primary Sampling Point

Location where regular routine oil samples are taken for monitoring and trending
wear metal debris ,oil condition and oil contamination .
See picture T1

  • Secondary Sampling Point

For dianostic and trouble shooting
For measuring wear metal debris and oil contamination by individual components , and
can be located anywhere on the system to isolate upstream components. This is
where wear metal debris and contamination contributed by individual components will
be found.
See picture T1

Picture T1

Sampling Tools & Devices

Sampling Technique

Sampling Frequency

Recommended Sampling Frequency (Sampling Interval) for TOA-M program and TOA-QP program

  • Gas Turbine Oil

Sampling Schedule / Sampling Frequency (interval) vs TOA-M program (download)

Sampling Schedule / Sampling Frequency (interval) vs TOA-QP program (download)

  • Steam Turbine Oil

Sampling Schedule / Sampling Frequency (interval) vs TOA-M program (download)

Sampling Schedule / Sampling Frequency (interval) vs TOA-QP program (download)

Sample Quantity

Turbine Oil Analysis -Monitoring (TOA-M)
Both TurbineCheck 814 and TurbineCheck 815 of TOA-M Program will require approx 200 ml -oil sample .

Turbine Oil Analysis -Quality and Performance (TOA-QP)
TurbineCheck 817 of TOA-QP Program may require approx 1500 ml -oil sample

Oil Analysis Reports

TurbineCheck™ Oil Analysis Report feature :-

  • Display an easy-to-read and understand.
  • Information for wear condition ,lubricant condition and contamination.
  • Interpretation and recommendation of the result . Option for Bilingual.
  • Color coded display of overall condition for present sample and history condition of previous sample.

  • Color coded problem highlights.
  • Provide new oil or reference oil for comparing result and as baseline.
  • Publish Alarm Limit range of the equipment and oil.
  • Comprehensive trending graph of most parameters.
  • TurbineCheck™ Oil Analysis offers reporting options via internet, email and fax.

Turnaround Service Time

Turbine Oil Analysis -Monitoring ( TOA-M)

( TurbineCheck™ 814 or TurbineCheck™ 815 )
The report is typical available within 5-7 working days of sample receipt at FocusLab's laboratory.

(For the first time of delivery new unit equipment sample , it may take approx 7 working days.)

Turbine Oil Analysis -Quality and Performance (TOA-QP)

( TurbineCheck™ 817 )
The report is typical available within 15-20 working days of sample receipt at FocusLab's laboratory.

Examples of TurbineCheck™ Oil Analysis report

Turbine Oil Analysis -Monitoring ( TOA-M)

Turbine Oil Analysis -Quality and Performance (TOA-QP)

Remarks: Oil samples (after completion of testing) will be retained in our laboratory for approx 60 days ,just in case of in-depth testing and/or any future purpose.



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FOCUSLAB™, LubeCheck™, Double WearCheck™, TH2O Check™, VsPI™, GreaseCheck™, SkyCheck™, TurbineCheck™, HeatTransferCheck™, CoolantCheck™ are all trademarks of FOCUSLAB Ltd.


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